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Hi, I'm Mel!

The brightness of our future lies for a large part in the hands of people in business. Our own health and wellbeing, our children's future, and prosperity of our planet are on the line. With many other business priorities to consider, it makes sense to invest time and resources into making a difference wisely, for the best possible outcomes. 

So, why do some achieve a far better impact return on investment compared to most? And create better commercial outcomes at the same time? What is it that they do differently? As it turns out, my research shows that those with the best outcomes have the same patterns in common.

With our
Masters, Talks and Workshops, we share key insights that underpin global best practices in tackling climate change, the mountains of plastic entering our oceans each year, poverty and rising inequality. Our tools guide clients to create a strong impact return towards a genuinely better future and  competitive edge.

What sets us apart

Most sustainability frameworks and training focus on compliance with regulations. While this serves an important purpose, it tends to draw people into details, losing sight of how to fix our global issues most effectively. Nor does it tend to create excitement, energy, or lead to competitive advantages.

Our thought-leading tools and insights, based on award-winning research, enable you to take a step back and reflect together how to impact key global issues with a 200-400% better return than most.


Our step-by-step framework not only helps to create stronger impact, it encourages participants to develop initiatives that makes them a more attractive employer, improves productivity, brand value, customer loyalty and referrals, and boost business growth.

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What sets us apart
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Our team


Melanie van de Velde PhD, MBA, MSc, Author, Founder Big Tree Global

Dr Van de Velde was awarded the Adam Smith Prize for PhD Excellence. Nominated for the prize by the Research Director at the Centre for Social Innovation at Cambridge University, her thesis was the source of many insights in her book LEAD LIKE A GENIUS. The book was commended as "A Powerhouse for Sustainable Growth" by FORBES.

Her other academic achievements include an MBA with Distinction from the University of Glasgow in the UK, and an MSc in Industrial Engineering at the University of Twente in The Netherlands.


Melanie has managed Asia Pacific markets at a multi-billion-dollar tech company. She’s worked in senior management at IT start-ups. And she’s run a fashion business to empower young women without an education in a Nairobi slum.​

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Evelyn Shui, MBA,
Program Manager Big Tree Global

After starting out as a financial analyst in a Hong-Kong listed company, Evelyn travelled over 300,000 kilometres launching and overseeing innovative e-commerce projects across China to empower remote agricultural communities out of poverty.


She has seven years of experience in product development, customer management, market expansion, sales oversight. Through her efforts, she has successfully grown customer bases from zero to over 1,000, established long-term partnerships with institutional clients, and assisted nearly 8,000 individuals in finding re-employment opportunities. These endeavours have earned high praise and recognition from the communities.


During her recent Executive MBA Course she took the Impact Business Strategy Course provided by Melanie, Founder of Big Tree Global. Her enthusiasm for the course led to her joining the team as a passionate Program Manager aiming to create more positive impact across the world.


Daniela Jimenez Chavez, MSc,
Program Manager Big Tree Global

Daniela has 8 years experience in sustainability applied in different sectors around the globe including non-for-profit and conservation organizations in Peru and the United States, the public sector in New Zealand, and both small and large businesses in the private sector, currently living in Barcelona.

She has designed and coordinated sustainability strategies for the corporate sector, as well as sustainability reporting, project and certification management, linking her work with communication strategy, behaviour change and innovation.


Daniela holds a Bachelor in Science in Biology and a Masters in Political Ecology, Degrowth and Environmental Justice. After participating in the Sustainability Business Strategy Masters provided by Melanie, Daniela  joined Big Tree Global as a part time program manager. 

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